dimanche 28 février 2010

a secret i`ve never told...

When I lived in Alberta back in 1991, i went to an outing with my class to visit The Hutterites... similar to the Amish... When we got there, i felt really excited about visiting them... really. I`ve always been drawn to them even when i was a kid... I have flashback of my youth ... where i could dream away about my life there.... long time ago.... still following?

So as our school bus came closer to them, i felt this strange feeling coming upon myself. I got scared. I couldn`t wait to run to them but at the same time I felt like I shouldn`t... couldn`t... I was barely 18 at the time but I remember it like it was yesterday...

It was a bright sunny day with a huge albertain blue sky... I felt home. Really! Me with the need of a telephone, tv, computer, make-ups, etc... I felt like I belong there... with them... Well, anyhow, we were gathering in this big barn and they were telling us about the culture, beliefs and that`s when tears were falling from my blue eyes... I couldn`t breathe.... I couldn`t stop. I tried to hide them, to look aside and walked my way through the back of the group. My superviser, Drew, saw me and came towards me... I couldn`t tell him how i was feeling... It was like i would betray them if i`ve said something.... so, I just said that I had a huge stomach pain (with my crohn`s it was easier)... so we left the group and we both walked to our bus... He said he didn`t mind in skipping on the outing, cause he`s been there before....

I felt like I was missing something. I was on the run from them. I don`t understand what happened... really. I think that i must have been a Hutterite or an Amish in a past life or something. I don`t know why, don`t know how... but i feel it deep inside me. Why am i writing this? I don`t have a clue. but I feel the need for it. it`s ironic because they don`t use internet, phone or anything like this. but somewhere deep inside, i feel a connection to them...what we`ll be the outcome of this, i have no idea.... but i needed to write about this.
*picture taken on google...

samedi 27 février 2010

I`ll stand by you...

This morning, just before I woke up next to my man, I had this song in my head... It`s funny because I never really was a fan of The Pretenders... don`t even own their album... but this song was playing in my head... so this is the link to the video on youtube.... enjoy!


jeudi 25 février 2010

I am lucky!

Hey, i`m relaxing with a nice glass of red while waiting for my boyfriend to return from work... He just texted me saying: Guess who is thinking of u, I love you xx . I just love when he`s texting me... I`ve kept most of the ones he sent me so far... When i feel lonely, i just go and read some of them...

Yesterday, he took the day off so we could spend it together... wow! I feel spoiled when he does that... He now wears a goatee!!! (thanks to my post about peter gabriel!) He wears it so well too... my heart is beating so fast when I look at him... I just love him. So, last night, we went to a very good restaurent, I had a great time... food was good, but just being with him was satisfying me! I am a lucky woman and I enjoy every minute of it....

Tomorrow, he`s driving me back to my place... Hopefully my house will sell easily so that we can move in together... I talked to my son this evening, I miss him. He`s been sleeping in my bed since I left... Can`t wait to hold him in my arms again... I realise that I am blessed to have not only one but two men in my life... I just love them so much....

on that note. have a good evening everyone....

samedi 20 février 2010

My kinda day...

Hey! I`m at my boyfriend`s for the week and I enjoy every minute of it! I`m happy to be here, by his side... it`s such a good feeling... Last night we went to a good restaurent for supper and it was great... the food was good, the wine was awesome but the best part was to be with him... I feel so content, so happy to be his girlfriend...

This morning, waking it up by his side just satisfy me... but of course i get turn on... i love touching him, having him holding me, touching & kissing me.... I love making love with him... to him... I have feelings i`ve never felt before.... it`s so strong within me.... i`m discovering part of me that I thought were gone forever.... he makes me feel like a woman.... i feel desired when he`s there...

This afternoon, we`re going to the movies... that`s an activity I enjoy doing with him... well, there`s so many things I enjoy doing with him... I feel like i`m at the right place, at the right moment... and nothing can come between us... i will never let this happen...

Tonight, he will cook for me... Je me sens choyée... je trouve que cuisiner pour quelqu`un est quelques fois trop pris pour acquis...cependant, je vois ça comme une belle démonstration d`affection envers l`autre... c`est un petit bonheur que j`aime découvrir avec lui... bon ce post est pas mal à l`eau de rose, mais j`aime l`eau de rose bon! j`suis contente, je me sens heureuse, je l`aime et je me sens aimée par lui... i just love him! He totally completes me...

*pictures taken on google...

jeudi 18 février 2010

le chantage émotif...

Je suis à quelques heures seulement de prendre le bus pour aller rejoindre mon chum... bien, au lieu de pouvoir partir l`esprit tranquille, le chantage émotif reprend de plus belle... le résultat, j`ai juste le gout de sacrer mon camp pis ne plus jamais revenir...

moi me faire faire des menaces, je deteste... résultat, ca m`éloigne au lieu de rester.

mercredi 17 février 2010

Butterfly on a wheel

*pictures taken on google
While most people have "We are the world" on their mind (i still prefer the original vs the new version), well I have this song in my head by The Mission UK called Butterfly on a wheel... (here`s a link about the band: http://http//www.musicfolio.com/modernrock/missionuk.html

When I was about 16-17, my friend & I used to listen to this song over & over again... That`s how I discover the band The Mission...

Well, as I`m in love and so happy about my relationship with my man, I feel sad for my next door neighbour... They have 2 beautiful daughters (3 1/2 and 7 y o)... I`ve started to notice that there were no parties or gaterings like they used to do... there`s only her car in the driveway... he`s gone... you might say, well he`s gone to work.... nope cause he works at the same place as me, he`s permanent there and has the 7 to 3 daytime shift. He showed up just to put the trash out, he`s not spending the nights... she was all by herself on V day... her mom came for supper on that day. I saw him driving the girls home yesterday and he was in his mom`s car... splitting isn`t a fun thing to go through... I hope they can resolve whatever situation they have... I feel sad for them & especially the girls...

On another topic, I now have a real estate agent (RE/MAX) for my house... yes, it`s on the market for 143 000$
I `m going to sell my house!!! My plans are simple : selling my house so my son & I are moving with my boyfriend... Yes, we`ve discussed this and we really want to make it work. My boyfriend & my son really hit it off, and I`m so happy about this!!! If you`re interested in my house, just leave a comment... i`ll post a link about it soon....

I`m going to my boyfriend`s house tomorrow (thursday) I am so eager to see him!!! I miss him & I really do love him... Like the song, I`ve had my share of broken wings... love is healing my wings now!!!

On that note, here`s the link to The Mission`s Butterfly on a wheel...

dimanche 14 février 2010

D`ici 3 ans...

les photos ne sont pas nécessairement dans le bon ordre....
Une photo vaut mille mots.... L`autre soir, l`amour de ma vie me demandait ce que je voulais avec lui...un peu surprise mais contente de son intérêt, je lui ai dit vaguement certaines choses... alors pour lui rendre la tâche plus facile, without scaring him away, voilà quelques photos qui m`inspirent... et que j`aimerais vivre avant mes 40 ans....(hummm j`vais avoir 37 cette année...)

ça doit être la st-valentin qui m`inspire... gênes-toi pas my amoré pour me laisser tes commentaires!!!hihihi!!!comme tu m`as dit l`autre soir,:" je lis ton blog et je m`en inspire!"

j`adore recevoir des fleurs, ma bague sera en or blanc (size 7 ), une robe simple, et je préfère l`église au palais de justice...mais sur une plage dans le sud ca m`irait aussi ;) Quoique j`aimerais bien près de ton lieu de travail, sur le bord du Lac-L.... J`adore les surprises et j`aime être avec toi, juste là... j`aime faire des activités avec toi, j`aime te voir vivre tes passions .... J`adore te faire plaisir, être dans tes bras...j`aime ton regard et ton sourire... tu me fais vibrer....

Ben oui, tu le sais j`ai le tic-tac qui se fait entendre...mais pas à n`importe quel prix...

mais le plus important c`est d`être bien avec toi et vivre notre vie ensemble sur des bases solides qui respectent nos valeurs... You`re always able to make me smile, you make me happy and I love you deeply... (I hope you feel the same)
*photos prises sur google....


Bon, voiciquelques images de notre cher Cupidon prises ici et là sur google...
Finalement cette année, après trop d`années vouées à la solitude d`une célibataire, Cupidon s`est finalement décidé à m`atteindre avec son arc et sa flèche.... L`an dernier, j`avais quasiment organisé un rallye pour le kidnapper ce fameux Cupidon là...

Bon, je ne me plaind pas la moindrement du monde... même si l`élue de mon coeur habite à 300 km de chez moi... au moins il est là et nous allons nous voir cette semaine! yéé!!! (je t`aime!)

Donc à ceux et celles choyés par notre célèbre Cupidon, je vous souhaite une superbe St-Valentin... fête des amoureux!!! Et à ceux et celles que Cupidon a oublié, je vous souhaite de trouver votre amour et d`être heureux! (j`ai bien attendu 7 ans pour qu`il m`attrappe de sa flèche!!!ce qui veut dire que tout est possible!!!)

Just believe in your dreams, in your heart.... your heart can`t be wrong!

vendredi 12 février 2010

today is...

the day i`m going to sign my new contract!!! Just before going, my co-workers and I are meeting for lunch at a pub... Will be nice to see them again after a small break!!!

So, on March 9th, i`m going back to work...

*picture taken on google

mercredi 10 février 2010


picture taken on google
Peter Gabriel will be in concert in Montreal... I`d love to go see him but: it`s on a wednesday night, i`ll be working that evening.... To tell the truth, i prefer smaller venue than huge one... I like the intimacy between a singer and his fans....

I doubt that Mr. Gabriel would come to a small place... therefore, I`ll just go on and listen to his music on cd, mp3, etc.... this is a link i`d like to share about a remix of one of his song... enjoy!
gotta say that he still looks good.... men aged well in general... and i must say that i have a thing for men with goatee...he wears it well!


lundi 8 février 2010

Back to work...

picture taken on google...

One month to go then it`s back to work.... I chose the evening shift, it`ll give me 2,25$ more per hour... x 37.5 h per week.... not too bad... I won`t tell you how much per hour i make though!lol!
Yesterday was my 3rd bag-aversary... 3 years ago, i had a major surgery...now i`m fine. So to celebrate, i treated myself to a nice dinner at the resto. I had the surf & turf... miam...
Well, my computer is broken so i`m using my auntie`s... Therefore, I won`t be online much...but will be back in 2 weeks!!!!

jeudi 4 février 2010

j`ai demandé à la lune...

J`aime bien Nicolas Sirkis d`Indochine... Dans ma voiture, j`écoute l`album Hanoi, surtout pour la chanson "J`ai demandé à la lune". Je fouinais sur le net et je suis tombé sur ce vidéo de Nicolas avec Coeur de Pirate chantant cette chanson pour un téléthon pour Haiti...

je met le lien ici... http://www.tagtele.com/videos/voir/50624

je ne sais pas comment mettre le vidéo sur cette page... si vous savez comment, laissez-moi savoir! (ah ben j`pense que ça va marcher)


mercredi 3 février 2010

something i read...

I was on a website called "texts from last night" and I stumble across this one :
"If a man`s penis is referred to as the family jewels, does that make a woman`s vagina a jewelry box? "

somehow I found it funny!!! ;)

*picture taken on google

lundi 1 février 2010

Au cas où...

Voici un lien pour voir les émissions de télé sur le web... ça semble bien... pis en plus, à partir du 22 février prochain, la série complète des Invincibles sera disponible!


J`vais probablement regarder quelque chose tantôt!
