Remember this ???? http://whatsheneedsis.blogspot.com/2009/06/i-still-miss-him.html
Well, I don`t really know how/why it all happened and I'm so surprised by the outcome... He is coming to see me in a couple of hours... We will celebrate New Year`s Eve together... (What a great way to bury this desatrous year! and start a new and better decade ) There are so many things I wanna say right now but I don`t know how to express them here....
What I can say is that I never thought this would ever happen... So many times over the year I`ve long for something like this to happen... really... I feel so happy right now...well it`s hard to describe how I feel... I`m surprised, happy, scared, shy, emotional.... yet it feels so good... so right... like it was meant to be or something like that.
We haven`t seen each other for so many years.... and since we live about 3 hours away from each other, it was obvious that we would never bump into one another... but tomorrow he`s driving to see me!
Last week, after many hesitations I finally sent him a message on facebook... I had completely forgotten about the post I wrote about him last june.... He answered back stating that he was really surprised to hear from me... When I saw his name, I felt those little butterflies in my stomach... Then he said that he had been thinking about me and even googled my name and search for me on canada411 !? (really???)
He asked for my phone number and called.... Our conversation went pretty well cause we were on the phone for nearly 4 hours.... (hope he has a good long distance plan....) Then he said that he`d like to see me... blablabla... I felt closer to him even though it`s been far too long since we were together...
From last week on, we`ve been chatting via msn, facebook, and phone calls.... omg! You have no idea how eager I am to see him... I feel like a little girl again.... He makes me happy and I so hope he feels the same.... ouf!
I`ve been listening to Steve Perry a lot lately... I feel like many songs express how I feel...etc...
like this song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wHysb9s4cs (Send her my love)
and this one here :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiUcRTqrLJM (Girl can`t help it)
this one too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpTIOSD5y4A (once you love somebody)
What a great voice he has!!!!... I like his hair too... I learned that he was born on January 22... my son was born on the 23... I`d like to see Steve Perry in concert...Anyway... back to my story...
I wonder how it will go when we see each other... Hope he`ll like the way I look...even though i`m 10 years older and a few pounds heavier than when we were a couple... (My friend told me that if he`s really into me he won't mind my extra pounds, I agree with her... but i really wanna be pretty for him! Well, you can be sure i`ll hit the gym pronto!!! Anyway I really need to lose a few pounds...i`m doing it to feel better about myself too!)
Ah...I just so hope that everything will go well between us... That we`ll evolve in this new relationship... make it work because I am sure it`s worth it... I feel like we should go on a nowhere just the 2 of us... just spend time together... I need that. Rediscovering each other, building this relationship on solid ground with honesty, trust, love & commitment.... I wanna believe in us... I have faith...
Hopefully in a couple of days, i`ll be back with a great story ... and that i`ll be able to call him my boy-friend (without a dash!) I know we both said that we wanna take things slow... but I`m like a little girl about this... this makes me happy and I wanna believe.... what`s wrong with being happy!??? I can have my cake and eat it too!!! ;) I am high on emotions right now! must be the full moon coming up...
*pictures taken out of google...