mardi 27 janvier 2009

It`s cold but sunny

Ok, this morning I feel under the weather... I feel nauseous... woke up every hours last night... I think my crohn`s is acting up....

Well, it`s sunny outside, it was -30 @ 7 am and now it`s warmer!!!! -13 celcius!!!!

My cousin`s funeral are on Thursday but tomorrow we`re going to the salon....

So, i uploaded 2 pictures that my son took....yes, that is me taken a few minutes ago (remember I didn`t sleep well, i`m dressed to go to the gym... and I didn`t clean up my place)
Well, on the other picture, well it`s called SNOW and 20 more cm are coming tomorrow....Life is beautiful!!!! ;)

dimanche 25 janvier 2009

a birthday and a passing...

Friday January 23rd was my son`s birthday....and the "unexpected" passing of my cousin...

On the 22nd, we went to visit him at the hospital... He was in a coma. On Dec. 14, while walking he slipped and fell on the icy sidewalk... He had some internal bleeding in his head (hémorragie cérébrale)... he never woke up. He was 46.

I believe that people in a coma are somewhat "aware" of what`s going on... So, I talked to him on the 22nd. Deep inside I knew he was about to go... but I was hoping he wouldn`t leave on my son`s birthday.... I said to him: Tomorrow my son will be 4.... hang in there if that`s what is best for you... My son said, "don`t talk , he`s sleeping... maybe he doesn`t want to wake up!"

So, on the 23rd, all my family gathered to celebrate my son... and we learned what I didn`t want to learn... his passing....


Then I said to myself: "hope the Funerals won`t be next Thursday, cause I have to go to my new job to sign papers..." BFI was there and said, no, it won`t be.... Guess again!!! so, on Monday, I will call and ask if I can go another time....

So, my son had a great birthday party! He was happy to turn 4. The cake was awesome. My familly came, almost everyone.... I took 73 pictures during that day... and on some of them we can see "orbs"... maybe it was him....

RIP Michel
* these are pictures of him....

mercredi 21 janvier 2009

100 years, 100 stars on CBC...

This week-end, my hockey team (cause there`s no more Nordiques!?) Les Canadiens will celebrate the 100th birthday of its franchise. Bravo!!! So, my favorite George will host a CBC television special featuring hockey legends and other personalities about the history of LES CANADIENS de MONTREAL :)

This special will aired on CBC on Friday January 23rd (on my son`s birthday!!) at 9 pm (Montreal time!)

Will you watch it? I will!!! :)
*picture taken out of google as usual!

mardi 20 janvier 2009

It`s a big day for USA...

Finally that day has come.... Mr. Obama has a big challenge on his hands.... yes, a country in recession, lots of "bs" left from #43.... Hopefully, this man will be more "human" and finally do what`s right for his country.....

It`s a big day for History....

On another purpose, the countdown is on... yes, my son is awaiting his 4th birthday...yes on the 23rd....and he already decided on his birthday cake... a black forest topped with cherries.... his candles are 4 pieces of a train set.... pictures of this coming up after the 23rd!

Have a good day USA! :)
*as usual, picture taken out of google!

lundi 19 janvier 2009

my new challenge

Yes, 10 years of teaching is well behind me!!!! Enough was enough!!! Don`t get me wrong, I enjoyed teaching.... but overtime, the Quebec reform, and all the "bs" that came with it was too hard on me....

the last straw was when I had to take a gun (a real one, loaded!) away from a student that I decided to quit! FINITO!!! I studied at University, and my salary started at 30 000$!? when my cousin, a cop only went to college and makes 70 000$....., hummmm Mr. Casino never finished his college and made 65 000$..... somewhere, something is missing.... anyway. That is from my past now....

So, now my new challenge has arrived.... Yes, in about a month I will be working for my goverment..... when 3 pm rings, well, I will turn off my computer and just go home.... no meetings, no phone calls to parents, no corrections, no planifications, no running into some parents or students asking for this or that, no going to bed at night and thinking about a student who wants to commit suicide, or needs help, or wants to drop out, or is being abused by someone and wrote it on his/her essays.... etc.... nope, just going home !!!! How many times, I had to stay at school late cause the principal decided on having a "useless" meeting for hours..... get the picture!? anyway, i could write forever about the non-pleasant aspect of teaching... in the end.... even if my dream was to teach, i had to draw the line before going into a burnout! (maybe some of you will think I wasn`t made for teaching, maybe.... but I think I was a good teacher with my student`s success at heart.... til I lost my health to it.... crohn`s doesn`t go well with stress)

So, a new challenge is coming my way... the salary will be good, no complain.... the schedule seems alright so far... training seems interesting, etc....

Yep! i`ll tell you more in about a month when I start!

*as usual picture taken out of google

dimanche 18 janvier 2009

it`s Sunday evening

Hey, I`m listening to The Strombo Show with George Stroumboulopoulos , here`s the link
and I`m looking at and this hit me ..... I just feel exactly the same!!!
"Everywhere I look, people have found someone to share their lives with, I don`t think anyone is looking for me"
That`s really how I feel.... :(

jeudi 15 janvier 2009

une vue du pont

bon, je sais, tout le monde en parle du frette!!!! -35 celcius avec le vent.....

Bien, je suis sortie quand même avec mon fils, enmitouflée dans mon habit de neige!!! J`ai bravé le frette et mon fils a même fait un mini-tour de vtt!!! pas pire hein!?

voici une photo trouvée sur google de mon fameux pont laviolette, joli non?

mardi 13 janvier 2009

Guess what!?, it`s snowing again!!!

I can`t hardly believe it, it`s still snowing and it`s cooooooooooooooold! The forecast is : colder for the next 2 days!!! wtf!? more snow and -30c something!!! I just received my municipal taxes due on feb. 9th.... yes 3000$ going for my hometown!!!!

hummmm, 3000$ would be enough to fly south!!!! but I love my house and I have to pay my taxes on time, cause 19% interest.... yikes....

ok. i was tempted to post a picture of my snowbank.... instead I uploaded a picture I took last sunday for the 375th birthday of my hometown....
This was a very good presentation of Simon Dragon, cracheur de feu!
and this is the link of the second city that was discovered by Laviolette 375 years ago....
ok, time for me to hit the gym!!!

le mystère de la page blanche...

I have so many subjects I want to write about... But, somehow it seems sooooo difficult to start writing..... do you have any advice to give me?

I need to focus/concentrate more on my topic.. I tend to let my writing wander... well sometimes it might be something good....

other times, I write "in my mind" and it`s pretty good.... and then when I access my computer, POUF!!!! nothing comes to mind.... why?

dimanche 11 janvier 2009


Hey, had my night with my perfect little black dress (an upcoming post about that...)

But tonite, I was reading Postsecret like every Sundays and this one touched me....

"I wish we could have loved each other at the same times"

Wow! there`s nothing else I can say about it....

*this picture is taken from

vendredi 9 janvier 2009


Hey, still going to the gym pretty much everyday!!! Go me!!! Yesterday, I had my medical and my doctor said : Hummm, you look like you`ve lost some weight, haven`t you!? YES!!!!! Now, I just hope this lump in my breast will go away.... going to see another specialist on Monday..... positive thinking!!!!

I really enjoy going to this gym... Curves!!!! It motivates me! It takes a minimum of 30 minutes and all the exercises are done!!! Sooooooooooooooooooo easy!!!!

In only "one dodo" I will wear my perfect black dress!!!! Yessss!!! Go me!!! Tonite, i`m going out with BFI, gonna be fun!!!! Tomorrow, I`ll go with BFK to the 375th birthday of my hometown!!! We decided to dress up for this event!!! YES!!! I`ve known my 2 bestfriends for a long time.... One is in a relationship with her boyfriend for over 10 years now with 2 kids, and the other one is a single mom like me.... I so wish for her and I to leave this boring single cercle once and for all!!!!

Anyway, I`m getting reading for the gym now....

*picture taken out of google


Hey, I`m doing this again....on my NEW blog!

So this is a picture of my son taken with my NEW camera! So, he`s wearing his NEW snowsuit. It`s a size 6 and he`ll be 4 in a couple of weeks.... yep, I thinks he`s gonna be tall :)
Thanks to "What up Spotty Chop" for introducing me to Written Inc. and his thematic :)

Part 2...

Yes, I had to start all over because an undesirable reader was always on my blog... so, here I am! I`m starting new!!! I`m gonna miss my ex-blog... hope this one will take off and that my good readers will follow....

I had a weird week so far.... I still miss the one that was in my life for the last 2 years (BL) and was my best friend for 19 years.... But somehow, he was lying to me. I was always truthful to him and there, I discover his lies.... He always has a ways of making it look true, you know what I mean....

Now, there`s another man who wants to be in my life... BL knows about him... I know it bothers him... but he`s still up to his tricks.... and he`s still hurting me. Last night he confessed about lying to me back in March... and deep down I think there`s more lies along the line....

I know I was stupid for believing him. trusting him. loving him. Now , what I have to do is move on with my life. It`s gonna be hard trusting someone new... falling in love with a new man.

He blew it. He hurt me and still does. I have to be a strong woman and keep my head high.

I don`t know where this blog is taking me.... I`m just writing .... it feels good to "let go" .... I have to be clean in my heart, in my soul.... I want to make a fresh, clean start.... you know.... Easier said than done....but I am working on it....

To my new & old readers, I won`t always write about love/betray in my blog.... I prefer to write short blogs, funny blogs, sexy blogs, and any other topics that might come my way :)

On that, take care.... send me good vibes so I can move on and start something new!
*picture taken out of google...