Yes, 10 years of teaching is well behind me!!!! Enough was enough!!! Don`t get me wrong, I enjoyed teaching.... but overtime, the Quebec reform, and all the "bs" that came with it was too hard on me....
the last straw was when I had to take a gun (a real one, loaded!) away from a student that I decided to quit! FINITO!!! I studied at University, and my salary started at 30 000$!? when my cousin, a cop only went to college and makes 70 000$....., hummmm Mr. Casino never finished his college and made 65 000$..... somewhere, something is missing.... anyway. That is from my past now....
So, now my new challenge has arrived.... Yes, in about a month I will be working for my goverment..... when 3 pm rings, well, I will turn off my computer and just go home.... no meetings, no phone calls to parents, no corrections, no planifications, no running into some parents or students asking for this or that, no going to bed at night and thinking about a student who wants to commit suicide, or needs help, or wants to drop out, or is being abused by someone and wrote it on his/her essays.... etc.... nope, just going home !!!! How many times, I had to stay at school late cause the principal decided on having a "useless" meeting for hours..... get the picture!? anyway, i could write forever about the non-pleasant aspect of teaching... in the end.... even if my dream was to teach, i had to draw the line before going into a burnout! (maybe some of you will think I wasn`t made for teaching, maybe.... but I think I was a good teacher with my student`s success at heart.... til I lost my health to it.... crohn`s doesn`t go well with stress)
So, a new challenge is coming my way... the salary will be good, no complain.... the schedule seems alright so far... training seems interesting, etc....
Yep! i`ll tell you more in about a month when I start!
*as usual picture taken out of google
2 commentaires:
I've always thought that professional athletes and actors make way too much money for what they do and that teachers make hardly anything for all that they do!
I think you probably were a wonderful teacher because, as you say, you enjoyed it. It's a pity that they lost you, but good luck on your career change and your health in a less stressful job!
Thank you! I still have some students writing to me from now & then....
Sometimes I still miss being in a classroom...However, from time to time, I received students at my place and give them some private lesson :)
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