Hey! I`m at my boyfriend`s for the week and I enjoy every minute of it! I`m happy to be here, by his side... it`s such a good feeling... Last night we went to a good restaurent for supper and it was great... the food was good, the wine was awesome but the best part was to be with him... I feel so content, so happy to be his girlfriend...
This morning, waking it up by his side just satisfy me... but of course i get turn on... i love touching him, having him holding me, touching & kissing me.... I love making love with him... to him... I have feelings i`ve never felt before.... it`s so strong within me.... i`m discovering part of me that I thought were gone forever.... he makes me feel like a woman.... i feel desired when he`s there...
This afternoon, we`re going to the movies... that`s an activity I enjoy doing with him... well, there`s so many things I enjoy doing with him... I feel like i`m at the right place, at the right moment... and nothing can come between us... i will never let this happen...
Tonight, he will cook for me... Je me sens choyée... je trouve que cuisiner pour quelqu`un est quelques fois trop pris pour acquis...cependant, je vois ça comme une belle démonstration d`affection envers l`autre... c`est un petit bonheur que j`aime découvrir avec lui... bon ce post est pas mal à l`eau de rose, mais j`aime l`eau de rose bon! j`suis contente, je me sens heureuse, je l`aime et je me sens aimée par lui... i just love him! He totally completes me...
*pictures taken on google...
2 commentaires:
Faire la cuisine pour quelqu'un est très romantique et je ne le prend pas pour acquis non plus, même plusieurs années plus tard,.... j'apprécie beaucoup quand Patrick fait la cuisine pour moi!
J`adore quand mon copain fait la bouffe!
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