Yes, today is a fun day!!! It`s April fool`s day! In French we call it Poisson d`avril.... (april fish!)
I don`t remember the origin of this celebration, but let me tell you what happend to me more than a decade ago...
It was when I lived in Estevan, Saskatchewan. I was working as a French monitor in an anglophone school... As the French monitor, I was in charge of organizing french activities... So, in late March, my students and I made a giant mural that look like a fish tank. All my students created their own fish made of paper, etc... The funny thing is that they didn`t understand why they had to made a fish and a huge fish tank... and I kept telling them, "well it`s for the 1st of April!!!!" anyway, they went along with my project... and i would tell them: it`s to celebrate April fish!!! til a grade one said to me : Oh, Madame you mean April fool!!! I guess the joke was on me!!! We all had a good laugh about it!!!
I should`ve taken a picture of that mural back then....
On that, Happy April Fish day everyone... I mean April Fool!!! ;)
picture taken from google.
1 commentaire:
Loved your story, Meredith! Lol!!! And a happy April Fish Day to you too!!!
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