Tourlou!!! I know i`ve been quite busy lately... I would have so many things to write about... all of them are fun & positives!!! Who knew my life would take such a fun turn!!!!
Well, my boyfriend& I now share the same address!!!! :) He moved in recently! We are still figuring out what to keep, give away, etc... Quite happy about it!
We went moosehunting with my bestfriend... no worry no moose were seen, nor killed on our side! We spent 4 days in the ZEC 3 hours away from our place... It was fun!!
We went to Mtl last week end to see the monsterspectacular, my son was amazed by all the bigfoot trucks!!!
I don`t have lots of time to write cause my man is coming home for lunch in 30 min... gotta go cook! Enjoys some pictures!!! :)