mercredi 30 juin 2010

Gone fishing!

Hello! Tomorrow morning @ 5 am , i`ll hit the road: direction Fairhaven, USA! Yes, i`m going with my son for a few days to visit my friend... So, hopefully i`ll hit the beach under the hot hot sun! yes sir!!! Also, we`re going fishing near Cape Cod on Sunday on a private boat!!! Should be interesting!

I need to just lay on the beach, checking the ocean and the waves... Let go of my "problems" you know what I mean... Well , about that i am doing much better now! Yes!!! I am healing from my heartache... FINALLY!!! Well, i still have some feelings about him... from time to time he pops in my mind... but what can I do? He decided to go his way... destination unknown... My son is still talking about him... I let him express his feelings... Sometimes, i don`t understand why all of this happened....why he came back into my life and hurt me this way... make false promises about a happy loving relationship...(moving in together, getting married, adopting my son, etc...) Well, i guess i`ll never truly know... unfortunately. sad.

I`m finally falling asleep without sleeping aids... i even started to remember my dreams when i wake up... I don`t feel that huge pain anymore... Thank God!!!

Talking about dreams, another sign that i am getting better, is that i`m starting to dream about meeting someone new... That feels good! Even though i don`t know when love will come knocking at my door....
Last dream i had was about Damian Kulash from Ok Go... beats me why i had a dream about him... maybe i have a soft spot for him... I like his look, his songs... (This too shall pass). Like last year when i started to have a soft spot for Nick Hodgson and feel like a teenager again... Anyway i doubt that i will bump into one of them! lol! Nonetheless it feels good not to think about Mr. Casino...
I started work after 3 weeks of vacation... i like it... of course i don`t see all the job opening i could`ve gotten if i had moved there... but we never know what can happen... positive thinking!!! As long as i`m making enough money to send my son to private school....

So, for no particular reasons, i`m posting pictures about Fairhaven, Damian and Nick... all of them taken from google...

See you back next week!!! Take care you all!!! :)

jeudi 24 juin 2010

La St-Jean

Tourlou, aujourd`hui c`est la fête de la St-Jean Baptiste... il a mouillé toute la nuit et le soleil se fait attendre... donc les plans pour aller passer la journée à L`Ile sont suspendus... J`ai plus souvent vécu une St-Jean grise qu`ensoleillée...

Mise à jour:

Ma nièce est née!!! (la même date que Mr. Casino) (j`avais un feeling que ça arriverait!)

Mr. Casino: rien. c`est comme si rien ne s`était passé entre nous. il m`a effacé de sa vie. je suis dans le processus de guérison... j`ai des hauts et des bas.

Tremblement de terre: ce fût bizarre, j`ai vu l`eau dans ma bouteille se mettre à vaguer puis l`unité murale s`est mise à trembler...ça duré environ 30 secondes...l`épicentre de 5,5 était situé en Outaouais (la région de mr. casino)

Pyrite: Bien j`ai reçu mon rapport... 30% de pyrite dans les fondations de ma maison... donc en 2011 je vais recevoir un appel de M.Pelletier qui va me donner la date des rénovations (2011 à 2013)

Ils vont soulever ma maison, démolir mes fondations et tout reconstruire! Ah! Que j`aimerais que Mike Holmes fassent mes rénovations.... Je lui ai écrit mais il rénove en ontario...

Je suis en vacances encore quelques jours, ensuite c`est le retour au travail... 30h/semaine, du lundi au jeudi...
J`ai rencontré quelqu`un sur le bord du fleuve il y a quelques semaines...j`était sur le banc où jadis Mr. Casino et moi avions fait l`amour... j`ai demandé en prière de mettre quelqu`un sur mon chemin... je me lève et arrive un homme en vélo. On se sourit...puis commence une conversation... Je quitte car l`heure du souper arrive... en retournant vers la maison de ma tante j`entends:-Hey, attend... tiens voici mon numéro de téléphone, si tu veux jaser... (il a le même prénom que Mr. Casino!)
Je lui ai donné le mien aussi...(j`sais pas pourquoi j`ai fait ca...)
il m`a téléphoné à quelques reprises... pour moi le courant ne passe pas. je ne suis pas prête... cependant ça m`a aidé de voir que quelqu`un me trouve belle... you know what i mean.

alors, voilà... grosso modo ma vie trépidente!!!

photo prise sur google

vendredi 18 juin 2010


Ok, from now on, when i`ll feel sorry for myself, i know this person will be "there" to help me see life in a different way... such an inspiration... i shall never complain about my life again...

yes i may feel pain, i may want to improve my life... i just want to do well and succeed with my life...I just wanna be HAPPY, wanna be well...
I`m sorry if i`ve hurt someone...i was hurt.. i deeply & sincerely regret it. i have no excuse. I`d like to right my wrongs...

picture taken from google...

lundi 7 juin 2010

what do you think?

My grand-mother passed away on October 12th 1985... on the day of her birthday... I was 12... I lived with her til the day she passed away...

On May 29th, it was my uncle`s birthday... We went to a local restaurent in my hometown... Lately, with all the problems i had with my failed relationship... I`ve been praying and talking to my late grand-mother... I`ve been asking her to send me a sign... a sign that everything will soon be alright... that all the feeling i`ve felt in the past few months were real... that my prayers would get an know what i mean....

Well, today, I was looking at pictures I took recently... then something odd got my eyes... I said nothing and showed the pictures to my family... we all saw the exact same thing on one picture... yes, there she was... my late grand-mother in one picture I took.... There was nobody looking like her at the restaurent and no one was sitting where she appears...

So, it`s a treasure I cherish! I feel blessed to have that picture! So here it is....

please do not reproduce.